
Friday, February 27, 2009
6:37 AM
Hello inhuman(s).
School, no matter how interesting anything may have been, is still school. Yes really.
But Mr Tan's english classes are pretty awesome.
I have no comments on today. At least for the 'during school' part.
It was fugging hilarious after school. After ccm. After dikir.
Dikir was the least fun cuz I got a little pissed for some uncertain reason. ^^
But moving on, I ate with Nut, Amy, Kin and others @ Macs.
We slacked and this is where all the energy drained out of me.
Fitri appeared and started cracking all sorts of stupid jokes with Yayat. Really laughed till my cheeks hurt. Haha.
Mr Lee goes too fast during maths lessons. How am I to catch up? Great.I shall answer a few random questions since I'm pretty blank of things to do.
1. What will you do if you are in the bathroom with a beetle flying around?
'Wazzup beetle, need a shower too?' Heh merepek.2. What will you do if you hear a song you like playing on the radio when you are all alone in the room?
Sing along, regardless of the number or people in the room.
3. You want to speak to your crush badly. What is your pick up line?
'Shut up and listen to me talk!' Haha okay really, I think I wouldnt say anything.
4. What will you do if all your friends hate a particular band that you love?
Nothing. So I like the band, period.
5. What will you do when you trip and fall infront of many people?
Get up and laugh at myself. You should try it some time. Heh heh.
6. You forgot to do your multiple-choice question homework and your class starts in 5 minutes. What do you do?
Either copy, or quickly do it. Most probably copy. Haha.
7. You have bad breath and someone speaks to you. How do you react?
Stand like, 5 metres away and then reply. Who does that? -__-
8. You just finished gym and after a shower, you drop your underpants on the wet floor. What do you do?
Wear it on my head. Ahah. But seriously.. I actually dunno.
9. What do you do if a personality quiz says that you have a lousy personality as your result?Smile and say: 'This creator has very low standards.'
10. Your friend gave you the worst gift you have ever received and asks: Do you like it? How do you react?
'Thanks dude!' Cuz it would probably be a guy. No offence. (:
11.(Continued from question 10) What are you really thinking secretly inside?
At least he made/bought me something. Good enough.
12. A hot guy keeps looking at you while you are on the bus. What are you secretly thinking inside?
Did I remember to wear clothes today? Why is he staring?! Heh.
6:37 AM
6:37 AM
My cardboard crisis is over. (:
Thank you amy!
My arms are aching and when I laugh my stomach hurts.
Walked in the rain twice, spilled ice in the bus and alighted at the wrong bus stop.
Something I did wrong? This must be retribution.
Going out with my sister to who knows where.
6:37 AM
I am exhausted to the maximum.
So short sentences will do.
Bio was free period. Do I have to elaborate?
Reading was fun at certain parts.
Nothing happened during recess.
ApplSci was fine.
Langarts? Dont ask.
Cca.Bouldered with a pathetic condition.
The run was awesome.
Left leg's injured. :/
Went home alone.
Now they're calling me
The Bisexual Dog-Cat.Peace.85% over it.

Thursday, February 26, 2009
4:03 AM
My eldest sister is unfortunately clueless when it comes to boys.
How can she be so blind. Fuck it. I dont get pissed at home until
he calls.
Olympic Education was actually quite exciting. Only thing is, the team I'm in has to play floorball for the next lesson. Eegh.
Maths still hurts my brain.
25/30 for Bio test!Art was hilarious. I dint bring my shoe so I went around and bugged people. Heh.
It's times like these when alot of lame jokes are being created.
"Tzu Ning, you know when you take an airplane and your ears kinda pop? Did it re-pop when you landed?"Hahahahahaha. Sorry, I'm sad most of you wont laugh at it.
17/25 for Compre test.Yeah, lang arts was kinda great too. Not the lesson, the random stuff. (:
Dikir wasnt even dikir, really. It actually sucked.
Played the rebana a few times and now I need to get new beats pronto! I'm desperate.
Peace.Teenagers like me are so fickle minded.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009
6:41 AM
Different groups of friends dont mean they have to be treated
differently.Please reflect on sentences first, they might contain an alternative and hurtful meaning.
Probably too late now. Well.
Let's not sidetrack then.Maybe it's too early so say it but I'm one of the loudest tongue-clickers in class. Haha whoot.
Today's lessons were boring, except Physics. Teacher seems cool. (:
Er, I slept during malay and got cikgu siti just below pissed. Actually asked me to stand and read but I guess she wasnt being serious. Oh before that, got caught by this chinese teacher. She was..polite and kind.
Ehemmmmm, yeah sure!Brushed through the hours and ended school @ 4.15.
Nut played a good game of hide-and-seek/catch with Mrs Lee.
The prize was awesome, damn it left me speechless. Haha.
It left Nut alone and sleepy.Peace.

Monday, February 23, 2009
3:43 AM
Why is this happening to me.
Just for one day, I'd like to
not think about you.
It was over, once. Pathetic.
Today's post is below. (:
1:57 AM
Let's start today with a sneeze. Achooooo. ):
Then, let's try talking
. "Ohymy, I sound like a man." Next, stand up. Try walking with a head that feels like its exploding over again.
Okay now brush your teeth. Do you feel that pain? It's a bad, bad, bad ulcer at the back of your mouth. And your nose? It's melting.
My morning started off that awful. (:
Still, I was happy there was school. Everything stopped hurting once I saw Mabu's blank face.
It cheered me up, somehow. Haha.
I survived through malay, but I was feeling really weak during history.
Made it through the whole day with my itchy nose and weird voice.
Re-borrowed a book after school and went home with zw, cm and cass. I
ran for the bus despite my condition. And in the bus, I stared out the window thinking. Being alone can be nice sometimes.
Peace.Damn, it's tough this way.

Sunday, February 22, 2009
12:20 AM
Alermak I'm sick.
My head feels more like a bomb. Heavy and explosive.
Plus the ice-cream uncle ringing his stupid bell is making it much worse.
Sundays are spent watching whatever shows there are on tv.
And it's been a long time since I watched Spongebob Squarepants. It's such a silly cartoon.
See, I watch shows that dont even interest me.
I like Saturdays better cuz in the morning it's a marathon of Friends.
Thank god I dint go cimbing today. My whole body's spinning.
I dont feel like going to school tomorrow.
I realise, I really miss those times.
Spot me ^^

Saturday, February 21, 2009
5:22 PM
Why do I keep assuming stuff? It's really annoying cuz if it's not true, I disappoint myself. Come on, I should be smarter than this. Assumptions should be below me.
I'll probably have more stuff to write about later in the day.

Friday, February 20, 2009
9:08 PM
So dont think you'd ever have a shot cuz if you had a shot you'd miss completely.
Kay Aquila? (:
Another reason why I like madrasah is cuz the tests are much easier and I actually feel like studying for it. Unlike maths.
I especially like Sejarah Islam. Alot more interesting than History please.
Nothing happened. Bored, very very bored.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009
4:31 AM
from the bottom of our hearts. Lol.

This is the first try and
a.k.a the failure cookie.

This is the second try
a.k.a bday present! (:
Happy Birthday Nuramielia Satria/ Turtle/ Amy/ Sisterrr!I (♥) You, nothing less. No stupid comments (:
Ohmyturtle she's older than me. Eeegh I feel so budak kecik. Haha. See, we baked her a turtle-shaped cookie all by our three selves (okay, with the help of Mabu's awesome aunt). Nut, Mabu and myself. CM did the turtle trophy but the legs broke :/ It was still very nice and I was impressed. Heh. Pictures! ^
Do I have to write a long paragraph bout amy? But words cant explain everything, and right now I cant really think of anything to say but sorry for making at least half of your life difficult. And you're welcome for making the other half of your life full with gallons of laughter. Heh heh. Also, thank you. For everything that you've done for me. I have lousy memory but I can remember your good deeds. Well not really but you catch my drift right? (:
Shall we talk about my day?
I failed my maths test.
And mind you I got really pissed because I could've passed really well. But noooo, all because of unsimplified factors and missing brackets. Imagine the pain. I got most of it correct, just dint simplify. Gosh! :/ Thank god I still passed overall.
I'm scared to fail Chemistry.
I really dont need to and dont want to fail the chemistry test. Teacher told the class there were failures. ): And the lowest was 10/25. Damn the numbers haunt me. It's what I got for maths.
I dont wanna fail D&T too.
But I dint finish the paper. I dont think I did the important questions. Isometric costs 20 marks and I drew only three quarters of it. SCAMPER stuff was left blank cuz I dint have time to complete it. And I was unsure of the first few answers. Pass? More like fail. But I'm praying.
Cca was fun. (: Even though I started off really tired and sleepy. I dint really climb properly today. We dint even run properly. Heh sssh. Took mrt home, then ngaji.
4:31 AM
I got 17/20 for my History test. Yay. (:Lessons were like, lessons. Even recess was kinda boring. Heh.
I loved today's run doing cca. Don't ask but yeah. ^^
Think I'll be leading the runs from now onwards cuz I actually improve. Dont exactly know the theory behind that but.. whatever.
chemistry test was disappointing. I think I might fail this paper too. :/ I never knew a
gas syringe existed. Heh!
The walk to school's bus stop was funnyfunnyfunnyfunnyfunny.
Could not stop laughing at Fitri. '
Nabehh teng teng'.Hahahahahahahah! You dont understand your pasal. Pfft.
Peace.If today was your last day, and tomorrow was too late,could you say goodbye to yesterday?Would you live your moment like your last?Leave old pictures in the past?Donate every dime you have?If today was your last day.
4:31 AM
Suppppppppp. (:
16 Feb.Bio test was kinda challenging. That's all I really remember.
Oh and then studied maths after school. Chehchehcheh right.
Today.D&T test sucked. Only given 45 minutes to do so many ideation and drawing stuff, plus isometric with somewhat missing measurements lagi. If it was End Of Year exams think I would've cried. Heh cuz I dint finish the paper. :/
Maths test was fine..dint really have to crack my head. But maybe that means I dint do it right and I'm gonna fail it! Ahhh well.
After school and CCM and stuff, ehhhh omgsh just remembered something. Hahahah.
Nevermind anyway after school went to Mabu's house to 'study'. Yes, 'study'. (: I took so many awesome pictures of Nut with her camera. She better credit me eh.
When we reached Mabu's house we actually rushed to the attic. Then Mabu told us that the attic was on the brink of collapsing and seeing she was actually serious me and Nut searched for cracks first, then rushed downstairs. Haha. The rebana tunes sadly sound the same. Three totally different pitches but they somehow sound really alike in the recordings. -___- Whatever.
Cca tomorrow! Oh and bonus, there's a chartered bus sending us there. Finally. :D
Peace.Seriously, why am I so happy? Who cares.

Saturday, February 14, 2009
6:21 AM
I think Nickelback rocks. (:
Tried to put the playlist of Nickelback songs here but it was being a beeech.
'Playlist is empty.' It's fugging not! Haha okay.
Oh, madrasah was fine.
Peace.When I wanna write stuff bout you, I do but I hesitate.

Friday, February 13, 2009
7:12 AM
Wazzup. ^^
Bio lesson was as usual. Except for 'Naughty Boy 1, Naughty Girl 1' part. Weird.
Reading was a lesson that made me feel accomplished. Cuz I gave good answers. :B
Applied Science? Well experiment was fun, teacher nahhh.
Compre Test during Langarts was challenging. I think I did okay.
Cca, of course, was gerek.
Even though I badly hurt my left shoulder. But I'm strong so can tahan eh eh eh. Mcm phm.
The truth is I almost fainted while climbing. Lol. Strong? Not really. Dint run cuz had to belay juniors while they climbed blindfolded. :D It was frustrating not being able to tell them that the holds were
riiiiggght theeeerree. Haha geram you know. I climbed blindfolded too and sadly only until the 15th panel. Would have done better with more energy.
Juniors are really good. Cooperative too. (:
Happy Valentines Eve. -.-
Peace.You realise you're not the one for him and you accept the fact. He finds happiness without you and you're happy, because you'll sacrifice anything to make him smile. It doesnt matter that you're not even a line in his book. You're strong. Hello, sure not? Hahaha.I'm really talking to myself here.

Thursday, February 12, 2009
4:34 AM
Why do we need Valentines Day?Haha. For me, it's really simple. Valentines Day is for dedications. Like, song dedications. And in my school everyone gets to hear and see the dedications. So Valentines Day for me aint bout love, it's bout finding out incredible stuff to laugh at. Yeah, the tall malay boy loves a girl. Awww, then he got pissed. Why? Probably cuz the girl rejected him. Pffft. Plus, I saw something hilarious. Not sure if I saw it correctly but should be. Anyway.
Cca yesterday was fun but exhausting.
And my whole body is still aching! ):
Today was fine.
Cca tomorrow. :D
All I'm looking forward to is this really.Peace.Now I can move on.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009
2:18 AM
My morning was perfect. (:
My afternoon was fine.
My night? I have no clue yet.
Saw CM and Nut at the bustop. We came at the same time, haha that's a first. Nobody seemed to notice I was carrying an instrument in my hands. I mean nobody seemed to care so yeah that was cool. If not I would have been the center of attraction. Like that time when I went home with it and boarded the bus. Everyone stared as if it was wrong for a girl to be carrying an instrument. Well whatever.
Lunch was umm, silly? Everything was silly. Haha. From the moment I heard this voice.. anyway.
Malay test was LOL.
Penternak? It means something like farmer and I dint know the meaning. Tsktsktsk.
Anyway, we had to bina ayat using that word and we could'nt leave the question blank.. so I wrote:
Saya adalah seorang penternak. Hahahahaha. A completely redundant sentence. (:
The rest of the lessons were pretty boring. Except for chemistry. It was killing me with letters and numbers and diatomic blablabla! I hate the Periodic Table. Heh heh. Project work was a breeze cuz we already had most of the answers to certain problems. Efficient team eh. Haha. So we slacked in the library.
Cca tmr yoooooz! Awesome.

Monday, February 9, 2009
6:41 AM
I'm such a fugging beeech.
So I've decided to become truthful from now on.
If any of this will help.I just hate my behaviour nowadays. Ahhh dammit.
I was bouncing btwn friends, siding the one I was with. And they normally opposed each other. Then I dint have a sense of direction, just trying to make everyone happy. I guess I tried the best, but it turned out to be a really bitchy minded Aquila. Gosh.
I doubt anyone knows how bitchy I am. I hide secrets, I give secrets away, I get secrets. And they're all really hard to keep.
I'm sorry.
And I really sincerely from the bottom of my heart hope both of you will forgive me.
Even if you don't really know what I've done.Peace.I'll try to forgive.

Saturday, February 7, 2009
5:13 AM
Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!I fucking hate you stupid! Damn.Why are you even talking to me? Why am I replying you?Godddddddddddddddd.I seriously wanted to forgive you for th stupid stuff you did. I almost did.Then you reminded me of it by saying, you 'really regret last year'.But.. you regret last year cuz you lost her. You regret cuz you dint tolerate things well.You dint even remember what you did to me. You dont even know you did it. Eff you.I really don't want this to become a bigger deal.Don't ask me why she hates you. She's really just influenced by me hating you, I think. I'm sorry.She wants the best for herself, and the best does'nt include you. So dont talk to me anymre.
3:25 AM
Went bouldering in the morning.
Really refreshing. I'm still the same in climbing, nothing much has improved. ):
Then went home and out to madr at 2.
I've always been lazy to go for madr, but I love th classes. They're fun everytime. Classmates are filled with crap answers and that's the best part. And I don't have to care bout how my hair looks. Haha. K not the point but yes.
After that went with sofia and maisarah to this pet store. Hamsters are so naturally funny. Rabbits kinda scare me, dont ask. -.-
My day.Peace.Ohhhhhh, I got overdue pics! Of the time I went out with friends. (:

Background is just awesome.
Extra fingers are cm's.
I striked a few times kay!
I was trying to 'steer' the ball pfft.
I like this picture yay.
Look ay my bowling pins. ^^
Awkward position /:
Fed up, not step hot. Lol.

Friday, February 6, 2009
5:21 AM
Let's skip school details. I wanna talk about our CCA orientation.
Preparation and stuff was so bzz bzzz. Like we dint do it in time, plus I was what a minute late for my game? Lol. I was being such a bitch when I was in charge. Yuck, really if I watched myself I'd go shit I hate that bodoh face. Haha. Guess that's my nature when it comes to responsibility. My two games went fine, minus the bitchy game OIC.
Me lah. (:
The other two games went okay, when they had to think of a group name and cheer was sorta my favourite part. 'Group 2, Group 2, Group 2 number 2!' Haha, merepek right? But it was cute so yeah. In the end they called themselves Anything, cuz of very obvious reasons. Heh.
Fitri did a bad bad thing.. lol.Because this was our very first time doing it, I'd say it was pretty good. Despite the sort of abrupt ending. Soooooooo bleagh.

Thursday, February 5, 2009
3:57 AM
Happy birthday stupid laser mouth. Okay fine, Isaac.My day was..likdat.
Dikir was good cuz learned new stuff on the rebana. And I even got to bring it home. (:
Dikir group name for girls is
Puspawarna. Yay nice bdh.
Yeah nothing else. Thanks yayat for accompanying me to the bustop, halfway. Heh.
Peace.It's d-i-s-g-u-s-t-i-n-g. Seriously. Worse than before. Much worse.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009
7:25 AM
Everybody has a bitch side. My conclusion.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009
4:03 AM
Eh. I bet you're so happy right now, thinking everyone looks at you and says "hey he's cool." Quit tossing your hair and come to your senses. Amazing how you're really that silly insulting people with beginner words. But how immature the word may sound, it'll still hurt. I only care cuz you keep overlooking what you've done wrong. It's annoying and it deserves an awesome slap.Let's bring out one point.I'm not being colourlist or whtevr you call it but if we're talking about skin colour and I'm shit, dude what are you? If we're talking bout how good we are at insults and I'm shit, what are you? If we're talking bout how we're bad people and I'm shit, what are you? If we're talking bout how much of a real person I am compared to you, and I'm so shitty.. eh god knows what you are! Seriously its way below me to be afraid of you. So far nothing you've done gives me the impression that you're bigger than me. You'll only be a bigger pain in the cowhole. The biggest. Oh and wow skipping lessons is such a big bad thing. I hate the way you try to impress girls. It's like the epitome of desperation. Get it? Oh right, you skip lessons so you dont understand. But if you do actually understand part of this I hope you reply someway. I've been waiting for something humorous to read. Oops, maybe you're too busy flipping your stupid hair infront of girls. Yuck.I'm being melodramatic but that's Aquila.

Monday, February 2, 2009
2:04 AM
Aloo Aloo. (:
Today was a simple monday. Nothing happened. Besides laughing hysterically, cuz that's normal. Anyway. I slacked after school to 'discuss' about our 'chemistry project'. Yeahhh right. So bounced around among two groups of friends, and then went home due to the level of boringness in me. What a phrase. -.- Pssshhh. Today was black face day, seriously I looked so dark. Eeegh
Will let my pictures do the yackyacking on how I spent my Sunday.
Cm and extra tongue behind.
House fly.
Mabu and sexy hair! Woot. (:
We went bowwwlinggg.

We went to the toilet too.




I'm tugging at my hair,
I'm pulling at my clothes.
I'm tryna keep my cool.
I know it shows.
I'm staring at my feet.
My cheeks are turning red.
I'm searching for the words inside my head.